Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Let the games begin!!

As soon as 4th of July season hit, I knew I had to start planning and hunting for wedding goods....for a number of reasons:

     1. we FINALLY set our date: July 2nd, 2011
     2. our weding is "only" 1 year away
     3. summer and 4th of July items are starting to go on clearance

I have always been a bargin shopper, a hunter and a collector of all things wonderful. So naturally, since Paul and I have decided to plan a DIY wedding at his parents farm just north of Columbus in Delaware, hunting for goods is a thrill. 

I gather inspiration from various websites and blogs that I happen upon online.  To name a few of my favorites:
     1. Style Me Pretty 
     2. My DIY Wedding Day
and so many others which I will post later.  These two are worth checking out!

So far my hunting and collecting has been very successful, check back to see pictures posted of the fabulous finds!


  1. i planned on getting married that day too! but then we moved the date up to new year's eve. enjoy your 4th of july wedding! :)

  2. Thanks Cassandra! Our anniversary is July 1st so naturally July 2nd works for us. I thought New Year's eve would be fun too! :o)

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